Refund & Return Policy (Satisfaction Guaranteed)

To initiate a return, simply contact our customer support at within 15 or 30 days of delivery, and we'll guide you through the return process for a full refund.

Eligibility for a Refund:

  • Items must be unused and undamaged, in their original condition.
  • Return requests must be initiated within 30 days of delivery for most items.
  • Sofa Return requests must be initiated within 9 days of delivery for Large Sofa Sectionals.
  • If Product is damage please submit damage claim the day of arrival.
  • Please send photos of damaged good so we can process return.

Please Note:

  • Customized or personalized items may not be eligible for return unless damaged or defective.
  • Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer, unless the item is damaged or defective upon arrival.
  • For damaged or defective items, please contact our customer support for prompt assistance.

Thank you for choosing Artisan & Blooms. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are committed to ensuring a seamless and delightful shopping experience.

Feel free to reach out to our customer support team if you have any questions or require further assistance. We appreciate your trust in Artisan & Blooms and look forward to continuing to enhance your living spaces.